Anonymous Tabletop – Episode 54: Misery Loves Company

October 31st, 2022

In our 7th Annual Halloween episode, we once again fire up the monster name generator, ghosts invade our studio light fixtures, and Dave helps Clint out with some pretty damn good film ideas.

Then, Addams Family Feud returns once again, Mark finds out he has premature buzzer issues, and Dave gets a multiple choice answer wrong and somehow manages to piss off Blacula.

And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money hits up a strip club, Geeky Jean takes a breather when she finds herself in stiches, and Celebrity Deathmatch finds out what’s black and white and red all over.

Oh, and don’t forget about Tim’s Sack. Whatever you do, don’t ever ask him for a piece of pie..

Episode 54 Show Notes and Links

Hobby Updates – 

Hobby Updates Legend: BG (Board Game), MG (Mobile Game), RPG (Role Playing Game), TG (Tabletop Game), VG (Video Game). The rest are pretty self explanatory really. Unless you’ve been living under a rock that is. If so, then welcome back. 

Interviews and Friends of the Show

  • Clint Beaver – AKA Robe Guy – Actor and friend of the show 
  • Mark Maxey – AKA Hall-Mark – Pro Painter and Malort Lover


  • No Conventions on this one guys. Slow couple of months for us.

Shut Up and Take My Money!

  • Babezilla Vs The Zombie WHorde – 15$
    • What do you do when a friend of yours is in a movie? Well, you get yourselves a copy and watch it. So that’s what we did. And why would we want to keep that all to ourselves when we can share it with you? If you’re a fan of cheesy horror and T and A – Lots of T and A.. Then this one might be right up your alley! If so, check it out!

Celebrity Death Match

Universal Monsters Vs New Horror

Bonus Track

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Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to provide us silly and unusual web content to post online.
