Anonymous Tabletop – Episode 14: In the Not Too Distant Future

May 22nd, 2017

In this episode Joe pines for a missing organ, Tim actually talks about a tabletop game, and Katie asks the rest of us to liven up before we all go crazy and she immediately regrets it.

We also talk about the Spring crop of TV shows, Joe gets his mics confused, and Dave wanders off in frustration when the podcast goes careening off the rails yet again.

We then find out what movies the crew wants to check out this Summer, Tim and Dave try their best announcer voices with limited success, and Joe takes an impromptu nap before we coincidentally have one of our most coherant discussions ever.

And last but not least, Geeky Jean tells us where to go, two huge blobs battle a third in Celebrity Death Match, and we reach into Tim’s Sack and find it’s full of monsters. Who would have guessed?

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