Anonymous Tabletop – Episode 50: Fifty Nonsense

January 20th, 2022

In this milestone 50th episode we somehow manage to get the entire Band back together, Joe and I get into the literal holiday spirits, and we recount some of our favorite moments from the past 50 episodes.

Then, we catch up on some hobby updates, manage to fend off an attack from a pack of Joe’s Wooves, and I break into a rant about binging, social media, and trying to avoid spoilers.

And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money gets sweaty, Geeky Jean explores our geeky holiday traditions, and Santa returns to Celebrity Deathmatch hoping to clean out a few vents.

Oh, and don’t forget about Tim’s Sack. This time it’s stuffed with more than a bit of holiday cheer..

Episode 50 Show Notes and Links

Hobby Updates – 

Hobby Updates Legend: BG (Board Game), MG (Mobile Game), RPG (Role Playing Game), TG (Tabletop Game), VG (Video Game). The rest are pretty self explanatory really. Unless you’ve been living under a rock that is. If so, then welcome back. You’re not the only one..

Interviews and Friends of the show

  • No interviews today. It’s all us baby.. All us..


  • Conventions are just around the corner! Here’s what’s on the radar
  • Polar Vortex – January 21st – 23rd 2022 – Naperville, Illinois
  • Gary Con – March 24th – 27th 2022 – Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Shut Up and Take My Money!

  • National Lampoon Vacation Shitter’s Full Ugly Christmas Sweater– $49.99
    • I know that by the time you hear this it’ll be too late to order this for this year’s parties. But who says that you need to only wear it around the holidays? Is there any day that this fine garment wouldn’t work to let people know that your shitter’s full? That, or you could be a new listener, just catching up on all our awesome episodes and listening to this in the future and thinking to yourself that you really need this awesome sweater.

Celebrity Death Match

Santa Vs John McClane

Bonus Track

This Message Will Self-Distruct in 5 Seconds..

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to provide us silly and unusual web content to post online.
