Anonymous Tabletop – Episode 47: It’s About Damn Time!

August 25th, 2021

In this time twisted episode, we invite some variants to sit in for some of our missing crew, Mario returns and gets a whisky named after him, and Dev Skypes in only for us to find out exactly how he feels about using the Schwartz.

Then, a variant Geeky Jean goes back into the past and takes over a previous segment, we look to the future of a lot of upcoming MCU projects, and Future Dave shows up so much this episode that he risks being pruned by the TVA.

And finally, Shut Up and Take My Money gets tongue tied, Celebrity Deathmatch proves to be a somewhat Loki affair, and Tim’s Sack takes its sweet time with a lookback at some of our favorite movies.

Episode 47 Show Notes and Links

Hobby Updates – 

Hobby Updates Legend: BG (Board Game), MG (Mobile Game), RPG (Role Playing Game), TG (Tabletop Game), VG (Video Game). The rest are pretty self explanatory really. Unless you’ve been living under a rock that is. If so, then welcome back. 

Interviews and Friends of the show

  • No interviews today. It’s all us baby.. All us..


  • Conventions are just around the corner once again! Here’s a few on the radar.
  • Gen Con – September 16th – 19th 2021 – Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Origins – September 30th – October 3rd 2021 – Columbus, Ohio
  • Gamehole Con – October 21st – 24th 2021 – Madison, Wisconsin
  • Gary Con – March 24th – 27th 2022 – Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Shut Up and Take My Money!

  • Travels with Teras
    • Our Overlord returns with another project! This time he’s taken a tip from Ant Man and shrunk himself down to ship himself all over the world to visit game tables and past Geek Nation Tour destinations. 


Celebrity Death Match

Loki Variant Free-For-All

Bonus Track

This Message Will Self-Distruct in 5 Seconds..

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to provide us silly and unusual web content to post online.
