Anonymous Tabletop – Episode 43: The Skype’s The Limit

June 28th, 2020

In this tech issue filled episode we still manage to maintain our social distance as we Skype in the Crew, Lathan prints up the perfect mascot for 2020 so far, and we dedicate this recording to a very special little boy.

Then, we discuss different ways to keep track of our listeners, talk chewing gum and questionable children’s toys, and Lathan heads down the rabbit hole yet again when he goes on about his 3D printing.

And finally, Tim tests out his improv chops when he’s put on the spot for an impromptu Tim’s Sack. I’ll give you one guess how that turns out. I bet it’s print-worthy..

Episode 43 Show Notes and Links

Hobby Updates

  • Tim – Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG
  • Lathan – 3d Printing.. Duh..
  • Jean – Jackbox Party 6, Forgiveness, Myst
  • Katie – More Games of the Great Isolation 2020
  • Dave – And Still More Games of the Great Isolation 2020

Interviews and Friends of the show

  • No interviews today. It’s all us baby.. All us..


  • With everyone still locked down due to Covid-19 the convention circuit has been pretty much cancelled or at the very least postponed a bit. But once it’s back, you can bet we’ll be ready to roll.

Shut Up and Take My Money!

  • Nope, not shilling anything this month, just having a few drinks and catching up with the crew.

Celebrity Deathmatch

  • Missing in action this episode – The fight rages on next time… Stay tuned!

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